Wednesday, April 21, 2010

New Term

After a roller coaster ride of fun and fantasy, cascades of colour, taste and texture to enhance the learning experience of Pesach, we are settling down into our new term. Our focus is on nature, trees, change around us, and autumn. Tying in with the autumn colours are the colours which make up a fire. This connects very well with Lag Ba'omer. The boys especially are fascinated with the idea of dancing around a bonfire. To highlight one of he stories of Lag Beomer we are involved actively in a little dramatization. We are extending this experience to include different materials like fabrics, colours, pieces of tree, leaves, carobs and even spices.
We are examining what trees are made out of, how they feel and what sound they make when tapped. Watch out for photos to demonstrate this.
We are very busy talking about our Kind mommies and how happy they make us feel. We are busy making a box of treasures to present to mommy at a sing song and mommies picnic on Wed May 5 at 12pm.
Watch this space....
The children are very excited and proud of themselves for the new songs which they are learning.